Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ode to the Volunteer...

As vegetable gardeners collect their harvests this Fall,
they just might find unpredicted plants whose seeds were also present in the soil.

Ode to the Volunteer!
I didn't plan on you,
Your total cost was cheap,
You delight me with goodies,
From my compost heap!

I thought you were a weed,
Intentions I didn't trust,
But I just couldn't yank you,

Your growth was so robust!

You ask nothing of me,
And I don't take you for granted,
Oh Joy! And Surprise!
The best plant I never planted!

Thank you Squash and Tomatoes,
And Sunflowers from feeder near,
I'm so much happier today,
Because of the Volunteer!

Gretchen VDC
Durham Co. Master Gardener

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