Friday, August 23, 2013

Cankerworm Management Workshop: How to Prevent Them for 2014!

Protect your trees and woody ornamentals from these pests.
If your trees look like green Swiss cheese from the infestation of “inchworms” that devoured them this Spring, then consider attending a free workshop on cankerworm management. 

The workshop will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 6 p.m. at the Cooperative Extension Agriculture Building located at 721 Foster Street, Durham, NC 27701. 

This workshop is designed to show you how to manage Spring cankerworms (Paleacrita vernata) in the Fall to prevent their damage later in Spring. A limited number of workshop kits will be distributed first come first serve to attendees. The kits will not include Tanglefoot or duck tape, but will have a list of suppliers who carry them for sale.

The workshop is sponsored by the City of Durham – Urban Forestry Division, Keep Durham Beautiful, Durham County, and Durham Cooperative Extension.  To register, please email:

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