Friday, December 15, 2017

Poinsettias in Scarlet Bloom at the Durham VA Medical Center

Photo archive by Marcia Loudon, Heritage Garden Club.
The Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center is again in holiday scarlet bloom with poinsettias thanks to the sponsorship of the Forest Hills Garden Club and fellow members of the Durham Garden Clubs participating in the 2017 Poinsettia Project for Veterans.

Dr. Sue Woods, President of Forest Hills Garden Club, and Treasurer Moe Berry spearheaded the Poinsettia Project, assuming the mantle held and created by the Heritage Garden Club. This year's poinsettias totaled 64 plants. Each of these contained a plant tag honoring a US service member whom the sponsor recognized with their plant purchase.

As with tradition, at New Year's the 2017 holiday poinsettias will be distributed to patients in residence and staff at the VA Medical Center. Many of the keepers are able to grow the plants all year and are deeply appreciative of the gift, according to Woods.

Members of the Forest Hills Garden Club and Junior Garden Club ready to decorate the VA Chapel.
Photo by the Forest Hills Garden Club.

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