App Name: Rare
This resource is designed for environmental professionals and agency biologists. It treats all federally listed plant species (and the single listed lichen) of North Carolina and their congeners. The dichotomous keys provided are heavily illustrated and may be expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide additional content such as images, illustrations, maps, rarity status, and habitat descriptions.
Snapshots of acorns for the "Trees of North Carolina"
mobile app in development by NC State University Herbarium. |
Trees of North Carolina (in progress)
This app treats the native and naturalized species of trees occurring in North Carolina. Content will include images of bark, twigs, leaves, reproductive organs, and distribution maps for all species within our scope.
Citrus ID
App Name: Citrus ID by Lucid Mobile |
This tool is designed to support the identification of host material during citrus pest and disease surveys by industry and government agency personnel. Host identification is facilitated through an illustrated matrix-based key. Users may start with any vegetative or reproductive character. A comprehensive image gallery is included and is searchable by morphological feature, offering users and image-based identification option. Android and iOS versions are freely available for download from Google Play or iTunes.
Pitcher Perfect Identifying pitcher plants in North Carolina
App Name: Pitcher Perfect by NC State University |
This resource was designed for use by anyone with an interest in pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp.) and wishing to identify the taxa found in North Carolina.
Winter Twig keys
App Name: TwigID by NC State University |
This resource was designed primarily for use in one of our departmental undergraduate courses, but is made available here for anyone interested in learning how to identify common trees of North Carolina in winter. Images include: common, native, fully deciduous trees and phanerophyte shrubs of the North Carolina eastern Piedmont.
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