"Tomatoes and Okra" will be presented both at Durham Garden Center
and For Garden's Sake Nursery.
Photo illustration by cajunchefryan.rymocs.com |
Durham County Public Library
South Regional Branch, 4505 S Alston Ave.
Registration is required. 919-560-7410.
Weeds – Friend or Foe?
Sunday, March 5th, 3-4 pm.
Presented by Nan Len, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Pollinators-a-Plenty: A Look at Hundreds of Pollinators Aiding Food and Flower Production in North Carolina
Sunday, March 12th, 3-4 pm.
Presented by Chris Apple, assisted by Tracey-Lee Drummond Lucas, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Container Gardening: Blooms, Herbs & Veggies on Your Patio
Sunday, April 2nd, 3-4 pm. Presented by Leanna Murphy Dono, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Straw Bale Gardening
Sunday, June 4th, 3-4 pm.
Presented by Georganne Sebastian and Darcey Martin, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Durham Garden Center
4536 Hillsborough Rd, Durham, NC 27705.
Requires registration. RSVP by either signing up at the store, calling the store at 919-384-7526, or emailing an RSVP to:
Tantalize Your Senses with Herbs
Saturday, March 11th, 10 am to noon.
Presented by Faye McNaull and Lynne Nelson, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Tomatoes and Okra: A Match Made in Gumbo
Saturday, March 18th, 10 am to noon.
Presented by Catherine Urich, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
For Garden’s Sake Nursery
9197 NC Hwy 751, Durham NC, 27713.
Requires registration. To register, email
ann@fgsnursery.com or call 919-484-9759
Cold Hardy Vegetables and How to Grow Them
Saturday, February 25th, 10 am to noon.
Presented by Charles Murphy, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Tomatoes and Okra
Saturday, April 22nd, 10 to 11:30 am.
Presented by Doug Roach, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Gardening for Pollinators
Saturday, May 6th, 10 to 11:30 am.
Presented by Darcey Martin and Georganne Sebastian, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Tantalize Your Senses, Grow Herbs and other Edibles in Containers
Saturday, May 27th, 10 to 11 am.
Presented by Faye McNaull and Lynne Nelson, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteers.
Sarah P. Duke Gardens
420 Anderson St.
Requires Registration. Call 919-668-1707 or email
Thursdays, 6:30 to 8 pm.
Carrying On: Garden Maintenance
February 23rd.
Presented by Kit Flynn, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Tomaato, Tomahhto
April 6th.
Presented by Charles Murphy, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Buy Healthy Plants and Plant Them Well
April 27th.
Presented by Chris Apple, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.
Gardening in Durham for Beginners and Transplants: Everything You Need to Succeed
May 11th.
Presented by Gene Carlone, Durham County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.