Like wine-tasting notes derived from viticulture,
honeys are also influenced by plants that bees forage and subsequently have
tastes distinctive to these species. Common garden plants and wildflowers with
their honey-tasting notes can be found in The Beekeeper’s Bible (Jones, R. & Sweeney-Lynch, S.,
2011) with a summary of general blooming times and species photos. (Some
species included are international in location, but worth noting for foreign honeys
Start planning your next perennial planting with consideration
for the honeybees. Here are lists provided by The Beekeeper’s Bible for edible honeys, unappetizing honeys and a list for common
garden plants to attract honeybees.
Late Spring/Summer Flowering
Acacia (wattle, mimosa) – (May-July) Honey very clear and liquid
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) – (June-Aug) Honey pale, white or light amber and
sometimes described as minty
Blueberry (bilberry, whortleberry)
Vaccinium species and cranberry – (two
weeks in May through Aug) Fruity and faint buttery finish
Borage (Borago officinalis) – (June-Sept) Pale honey
Bramble blackberry (Rubus fruiticosus) – (June-Sept) Honey medium colored, coarse
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) – (June-Sept) Dark honey, strong flavored by
hints of molasses and malt
Canola (Brassica napus) – (May-Aug) Fine clear honey that granulates
False Acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia) – (Jun-July) Light honey, good density and
Hawthorn (Cataegus monogyna) – (May-June) Dark amber honey with nutty flavor
Knapweed (Centaurea nigra) Ireland import – (June-Sept) Golden honey thin and
sharp flavored
Lavendar (Lavendula) species France and Spain – Pale golden honey, pleasant
tasting with fine granulation to a texture resembling butter
Lime Tree (Tilia platyphylos. T. cordata, T. americana) – (2-3 weeks in June
thru Aug depending on latitude) Light greenish honey with slightly minty taste
Melilots sweet clover (Melilotus alba, M. officinalis and M.
indica) – (June-Sept) Pale greenish-yellow honey with slight cinnamon
Rata Tree Metrosideros species New Zealand – (Nov-Mar) White, clear honey
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) – (June-Aug) Lemon yellow honey
Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) – (May-Jun) Honey is
dark amber and sharp and bitter
Thistle (Cirsium arvense) – (Jun-Aug) Pale, flavorful honey
Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) – (May-June)
Dark amber honey with strong flavor
Late Flowering
Cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum) – (July-Sept) Lightly flavored honey and pale amber
Fireweed (Chamerion
angustifolium and Epilobium
species) rosebay, willow herbs – (July-Sept) Pale, white subtle flavor with
tea-like notes
Fuschia species
– (July-Sept) Honey is light colored, but very mild and insipid
Goldenrod (Solidago
canadensis) – (July-Oct) Pale colored, slightly strong almost spicy flavor
Heather (Erica) found
in the UK – (July-Sept) Honey is a deep brown, port wine color
Ivy (Hedera helix)
– (Oct-Dec) Honey is grayish
white with delicate odor and bitter flavor, granulates quickly
Sunflower (Helianthus anuus) – (July-Oct) Light
amber honey with subtle citrus undertones
Early Spring/Long
Almond (Prunus
dulcis) – (Feb.) Honey generally regarded as being of poor quality, mostly
used in the bakery trade
Apples Malus
species – (April-June) Huge varieties of cultivars, Honey light amber with good
flavor, granulates quickly
Avacado (Persea
americana) – (March-April) Dark amber honey with strong flavor of
caramelized molasses
Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) – (All year blooming)
Strong amber honey
Clovers (Trifolium
hybridum, T. repens) – (May-Oct) Honey is pale and gently flavored with the
scent of the flowers
Dandelion (Taraxacum
officinale) – (March-Sept) Golden coarse-grained honey
Gooseberry (Ribes
uva-crispa) – (March-May) Good honey from early source
Gum Tree Eucalyptus
species – (April-July) Distinctive honey flavor and odor; E. polyanthemos is dark amber and very dense; E. meliodora produces pale and thin honey
Holly (Ilex
aquifolium, I. opaca, I. glabra) – (April-July) Pale colored and finely
Leatherwood (Eucryphia
lucida) – (Nov-April) Honey strongly spicy, an acquired taste
Manuka (Leptospermum
scoparium) found in New Zealand – (Sept-May) Full-bodied, herbaceous, sweet
tasting honey
Maple Tree Acer
species – (April-June) Honey pale yellow or greenish, mild flavor, sometimes
regarded as indifferent
Mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa) – (March-Sept) Honey varies from white to amber with smoky
scent of molasses or brown sugar
Needle Bush Hakea
and Grevillea species Australia –
(Blooming all year depending on species) Sweet clear honey
Oranges Citrus
species – (March-April) Delicious honey,
pale and dense with distinct fruit taste and echoes of blossom
Rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis) – (March-Nov) Medium-bodied honey with thick texture
Thyme Thymus
species – (May-Sept) Honey has intense aroma and aromatic flavor
Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) – (April-June) Honey is light amber in color,
smooth and very sweet
Unappetizing Honey
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia
latifolia) – (May-June) All parts of plant are toxic, honey believed
Privet (Ligustrum
vulgare) – (May-June) Honey very strong flavored unless blended with
lighter honeys
Ragwort Senecio
species – (June-Nov) Rank, bitter tasting honey
Rhododendron (Rhododendrum
ponticum) – (Spring and summer flowers depending on species and location) Honey
Spurge Euphorbia species – (Flowering dependent on location and species) South
African species produces bitter honey, burning sensation in mouth
Common Garden Plants to Attract Honeybees
Apiaceae, carrot family: Angelica archangelica and lovage (Levisticum officinale)
Asteraceae, daisy family:
Cosmos, chicory, fleabane, globe thistle, ox-eye, shasta daisy,
sunflower, yarrow
Boraginaceae, borage family: alkanet, borage, viper’s bugloss
Brassicaceae, cabbage family:
candytuft, charlock, golden alyssum, honesty, mignonette, rockcress,
sweet rocket, wallflower
Campanulaceae, bellflower family:
Cannabaceae, hemp family: hop
(Humulus lupulus)
Dipsacaceae, teasel family: scabious,
Elaeagnaceae family: oleaster
Fabaceae, pea family: broom Cytisus species
Grossulariaceae, gooseberry family: currant
Lamiaceae, mint family: marjorum,
mint Mentha species
Liliaceae, lily family: grape
Limnanthaceae, meadowfoam family: poached egg plant (Limnanthes douglasii)
Lythraceae, loosestrife family: loosestrife
Malvaceae, mallow family: hollyhock,
Onagraceae, willowherb family:
evening primrose
Polemoniaceae, phlox family: phlox
Primulaceae, primrose family:
Rosaceae, rose family: cotoneaster
Rutaceae, citrus family:
Valeruabaceae, valerian family: valerian
Jones, R. & Sweeney-Lynch, S. (2011). The Beekeeper's Bible: Bees, Honey, Recipes & Other Home Uses. New York, NY: Stewart, Tabori and
Chang; First edition