Congratulations to the following individuals and Durham Garden Club award recipients at the annual meeting of The Garden Club of North Carolina, held April 19-21, in New Bern, NC. The state awards program is run every year with over 170 different project and achievement categories.
- Pat Cashwell (Heritage GC) received the prestigious Maslin Award, a top individual award for years of service to The Garden Club of North Carolina. Pat is the State Chair of the NC Highway Wildflower Program with the NCDOT.
- Youth Awards (100+ point division) went to the Croasdaile Junior Garden Club and Walking Roots
- Heritage Garden Club won for best Christmas Decorations of Entrance for event
- Council President Marcia Loudon earned a certificate for Engagement Calendar Photo Award
DCGC won three awards at the state meeting: 2nd. for Yearbook (Membership Directory); 1st for the Potting Shed Party; and 1st for the Blue Star Memorial installed last April in front of the Durham VA Medical Center. The Durham Council also won a second honor for the Blue Star Memorial which was 1st place at the South Atlantic Region annual meeting under the National Garden Clubs.
The Council was represented by seven members at the state meeting in New Bern--six from Heritage Garden Club: Pat Cashwell, Jean Gurtner, Ardith Pugh, Martha Sanderford, Holly Hatch and Marcia Loudon; and from Homestead Heights Garden Club Past President Laurie Renard.