Member of Walking Roots placing bookmark on tables Monday morning
Ardith, Martha and Judy Barnes
The Durham Council of Garden Clubs held their annual state
Fall Board Meeting last Sunday and Monday at the Durham Hilton Hotel, There
were about 120 registered Federated Club members from all over North Carolina
attending the "Mad Hatter's Garden Party"
The Durham Council of Garden Clubs put on the event and the
attached photo is of Ardith P, a co-chairman, The White Rabbit, Martha
S of Heritage GC and the state president, Judy Barnes, "The Mad Hatter".
SHOPPING top and Ginny C, Mary D and Mina H volunteers bottom
There were many business meetings, workshops, vendors and
much laughter and friendship.
As the Garden Club of North Carolina is dedicated to
developing an interest in gardening with the youth of the area, one of the Jr.
Garden Clubs "Walking Roots" did all the table decorations for
Monday's luncheon and also made all the bookmarks. Attached is a photo of one of the Walking
Roots members placing a bookmark on one of the tables.
Honor Arrangements