Saturday, May 26, 2012


Judy Barnes latest newsletter is posted on the GC of NC website

click on May 2012.  This is also the place where the registration to the fall board meeting is posted. 

Look for Fall Board Meeting.

Under Invitations is the save the date information about the Board Meeting. You will find the registration also under FORMS - Fall Board Meeting Registration.

While at the state website have you looked at the "District, Council and Club News lately?  Compare DCGC to the rest of the state.  Great job to you all.  WOW we have been busy this year but if you don't let me know what you are doing I can't get it on the site for you.

Those interested in the Flower Show Symposium will find the information under "Meetings" in the Main Menu at the left.

In our Websites of Interest is the link to Garden Clubs of NC.
Please check it out regularly.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beautification and Therapy at VA Hospital

This Easter Heritage GC placed bedding plants in baskets in the VA Chapel in honor of the 5 military services.  There is a new garden club as part of the Recreation Therapy program called "Grown with Love Gardening Club"  The week after Easter they planted the veggies and flowers in the courtyard and are maintaining the garden.  Thought you would like to see how well everything is doing.
Click on the picture and it will get larger for you to see.

Preserve Memories & Heritage

Preserve Memories & Heritage
in an Old-Fashioned Garden With Pass along Plants
by Cindy Shapton
from State by State Gardening eNewsletter

Every garden tells a story if you take the time to look and listen.

There is plant history, and sometimes even a mystery, just waiting to be discovered. When we bought an old property in Franklin, TN, we were pleased to learn some of the history hidden in the garden.

I knew the rose over the well house was old, but I found out just how old when a grandson of one of the previous owners stopped by and told me that, while tracing his family ancestry, he found a note in a family Bible about this particular rose that had traveled to this country from England. From there, it had been passed along each time the family came farther west.

Another grandson (70-something-years-young) came by and told me that, as a child, Helen Keller stayed with his grandparents while researching her family connection to the battle of Franklin. Lilacs lined the path to the garden, and Ms. Keller knew the name of each lilac variety by their individual scent.

I discovered some of those lilacs as I started cultivating the old garden once again. Covered under tangles of wisteria, two old lilacs came back to life when sunlight was able to once again reach them. They eventually bloomed beautiful shades of bluish purple.

When we moved, I brought cuttings and pieces of many heirlooms from my old garden to plant in my new “old-fashioned” garden, including peonies, daylilies, lilac, ox-eye daisy, black-eyed Susan, forget-me-not and roses, just to name a few.

An old, pink, cabbage-like shrub rose was discovered growing at the old ancestral homestead of my husband’s great grandparents in Northern Michigan, and I now have that rose growing in my garden. We never identified the rose, which doesn’t seem to matter. We feel certain that it came with the family from Canada, and probably from England before that. We call it the “Shapton Heritage” rose and pass it along to family members.

Lily-of-the-valley brings back wonderful childhood memories for me. They grew by the back steps to our farmhouse. A few years ago, I made a trip back and dug up a few of those plants to add to my garden. I planted and transplanted them when we moved to our current garden. I found just the right spot for them in my new garden (it was late June), and I couldn’t wait for spring to see them. Spring came, and to my surprise, lily-of-the-valley was a favorite of the previous owner, as well. They are in every garden bed of our new property! There will be plenty to pass along.

What was so great about gardens of old? They were comprised of what we now call heirlooms, which are plants that have been around for 50 years or more and are usually open-pollinated varieties (flowers that are pollinated by insects or wind). The seeds produced by these flowers, herbs, vines (and even vegetables) result in plants that are just like their parents.

These heirloom, or heritage, plants were passed down and around from family members, neighbors and gardeners. Rose cuttings were transported in potatoes, and seeds were stored wherever room was found, then passed along or moved with the family. After all, there weren’t always local nurseries to buy plants and seeds from.

Old-fashioned gardens were interactive — when dried, large poppy seed heads became musical shakers, hollyhocks were fashioned into “Victorian Belle” flower ladies on Sunday afternoons, daisy chains were given to mom, and gourds became spinning tops on the school playground.

Best of all, old plants were useful, hardy, and stood the test of time — plus, they came with a memory or story. It is a wonderful feeling to work in a garden and know that you are tending some of the same plants as your grandmother, friend or someone from generations ago.

ADVICE FAIR at Duke Gardens

Duke Gardens along with The Garden Forum 
will have an Advice Fair
July 17th.
Put it on your calendar now.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The Beast + Big Band
Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 | 7:00 pm

The Old Ceremony
Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 | 7:00 pm

Dex Romweber & the New Romans
Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Thursday, June 21, 2012 | 7:00 pm

Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 7:00 pm

Mandolin Orange
Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | 7:00 pm

Midtown Dickens + Special Guests
Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 | 7:00 pm

Tix On Sale Tue, May 15
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 | 7:00 pm

On the Lawn at Duke Gardens
$12 general • $5 Duke students/employees • Free for 12-&-under

Buy tickets
The lawn the performances is on is behind the Doris Duke Center between the two parking lots.

Events from Johnson Co Community College

Please join us as we continue our lecture series through the summer!  Remember, you must preregister for all classes, trips, tours, and workshops.  To reserve your space, please call Lin Frye (919) 209-2052 or Minda Daughtry (919) 209-2184.  Space is limited so plase call early to insure your registration.

6/6 - Sarah P. Duke Gardens - Patterson's Mill Country Store
Arboretum Mobile Unit - 8:00-2:00pm - $15 - Lunch on Own.

We'll have an opportunity to learn
about the history of Duke Gardens as well as tour
the entire gardens - from the visitor center plantings
to the Terraces, Asiatic Gardens and
Blomquist Natural areas. Beautiful
flowering plants, quiet ponds, shade
beds and so much more will be featured on this tour. After lunch, we'll
visit Patterson's Mill Country Store - a turn of the century doctor's
office, pharmacy and country store. A great place to relive the past!

6/12 - Bluebird Hill Farm - Bennett, NC
Arboretum Mobile Unit - 8:00-5:00pm - $35 - Lunch

Join us as we visit this USDA Certified Organic
Farm specializing in herbs, vegetables, cut flowers, native
plants, farm crafts and foods. We'll begin with a tour of the
farm, picking herbs along the way. The herbs collected will
be fashioned into our luncheon meal. Afterwards, we'll learn
about lavender and have an opportunity to use this fragrant herb as well as bring
home recipes. A day of delicious and delightful touring!

6/20 - Fearrington Gardens
Arboretum Mobile Unit - 8:00-5:00pm - $15 - Lunch
on Own - Old Granary Restaurant.

These beautiful grounds are filled with small gardens, cutting beds,
specimen trees, fountains and more. We'll tour the
gardens as well as view the old barn and famous belted
Galloway cows. There are some wonderful shops to
visit including McIntyre's Books, and we'll eat at the
Old Granary Restaurant. A wonderful day to relax!

6/27 - Elizabethan Gardens, Manteo
Arboretum Mobile Unit - 7:00-6:00 pm (approximate
return time) - $20 Boxed Lunches Included.

These gardens are located on the same site where the colonists first landed.
The entire garden is filled with history and beauty and
are based on those of the colonial period with azaleas,
dogwood, herbs, bulbs, roses, and more. We'll stop en
route to enjoy our boxed lunches, saving a bit of time so
we can enjoy a leisurely exploration and tour of the gardens.
Some features we'll see: 6th century-style gazebo overlooking Roanoke Sound,
Marble statue of Virginia Dare carved in Italy by Maria Louisa Lander, Ancient live
oaks thought to be more than 400 years old , Sunken Garden with antique Italian
fountain, Shakespearean Herb Garden, Queen's Rose Garden & the Queen Elizabeth
Rose, given to The Elizabethan Gardens by Queen Elizabeth II, the world's largest
bronze statue of HRH Queen Elizabeth I.

Lin Frye, Director
JCC Arboretum

The Dirt: from Stone Brothers & Byrd

The Dirt: from Stone Brothers & Byrd

Surrender? Nuts!
On the morning of December 22, 1944, the 101st Airborne Division was entrenched at Bastogne, on the Southern shoulder of what would come to be known as "The Bulge."  Facing overwhelming enemy forces, General Tony McAuliffe was confronted with a German demand for immediate surrender.  McAuliffe laughed and gave his famous, one-word reply.  "Nuts!"

That's the same spirit you need to go after Yellow and Purple Nutsedge.  Don't consider surrender.  Nuts to that.  Arm yourself with Sedgehammer and get the job done.

Order our Lower the Sedgehammer package now and we'll ship you enough to handle up to 4,000 sq/ft and we'll even include a FREE PUMP-UP SPRAYER.     

Notes from Andrea Lewis

District 9 Garden Club Presidents and District Chairs,

I'm sure that you all are busy trying to complete everything that needs to be done, both in your own gardens and in your own garden clubs.  Just a few reminders and pieces of information:

1.  PLEASE send me the name(s), address, phone number, and email for new president(s) of your club.  If you will have the same one, let me know.  I need this information by May 18th, if possible.

2.  The District 9 Presidents' Meeting will be in Mebane on June 7th, from 9AM until noon.  It will be in the Historic Woodlawn School.  Directions and further details will be forthcoming.

3.  Thanks to the 77% of you who sent in Club Annual Reports back in January - next year, we'll do even better!

4.  Congratulations to the following clubs for winning GCNC awards: Chapel Hill, Heritage in Durham, Woodland in Henderson, Emma Harris in Mebane, Hillsborough, and Roxboro.

5.  Thanks to all of you for submitting National Life Memberships and SAR memberships - District 9 had the highest # of SAR memberships and was in a 5-way tie for National Life memberships.

6.  Remember to send a death notification form to Pat Lopp (Memorial Chair) and to me.

7.  Remember to place flowers in the VA Chapel in Durham when it is your turn.

Thanks for all that you do for all phases of garden clubs in North Carolina, in District 9, and in your own local clubs!!!!

                                                     Andrea Lewis, District Director

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Durham First Bloom

Durham First Bloom

We are excited to have you join us for our Annual First Bloom Celebration.
This year we want to offer you the chance to enjoy our magnificient roses!

Schedule of Events for the Durham First Bloom
10:00 am Rose Garden Tour
11:00 am Stump the Rose Guys
1:00 pm Rose Garden Tour
3:00 pm Rose Garden Tour

Rose Garden Tour: Take a tour of The Gardens at Witherspoon led by your very own Rose Expert Guide! Watch detailed demonstrations of the many facets to growing roses. Listen as we explain solutions to some of your rose concerns. Each tour will be filled with the same stations, so if you can only make it to the 3:00 tour you won't have missed a thing! No reservations needed. Just meet under the tent a few minutes before the tour begins.
Stump the Rose Guys: Got questions? We've got answers! Bring your rose questions and fire away at our Rose Experts who have made it their mission to keep roses helathy and blooming!
**Light snacks and drinks will be available.

Botanical Gardens at UNC Gala

Saturday June 2, 2012, 6:30 - 11pm | Ticket Price $125
Tasty hors d'oeurves — Beer/Wine — Dancing and Music — Intriguing Silent Auction...
Tickets are now available, and . . .
    •    Buy Tickets
    •    Browse Auction
. . . you'll be able to browse the auction soon!
About the Event
The North Carolina Botanical Garden's first—and fabulous!—Carolina Moonlight Gala is coming up, Saturday, June 2. Join us for a delightful party under a Carolina full moon to celebrate the Garden's contribution to sustainable living through its mission to "advance a sustainable relationship between people and nature." Our new LEED Platinum building and landscape is the site of this celebration, and our conservation, horticulture, and education efforts will be supported by the gala proceeds.
Purchase your ticket today for an evening to remember—tasty hors d'oeuvres from Durham Catering Company, wine and beer, dancing to music by Rebecca & The Hi-Tones, and bidding on items in an intriguing silent auction. Please consider also helping to make our Sustainable Garden Party a real success with either a sponsorship or an auction contribution . . . see below.

A Note About the Name and the Logo

Our gala is named after a plant, of course!
The beautiful horticultural selection Baptisia X 'Carolina Moonlight' was selected at the North Carolina Botanical Garden by Rob Gardner in 2002. It is a cross between two of our native Baptisia species: white wild indigo (Baptisia alba) and the yellow wild indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa). This gorgeous hybrid well represents the Garden's significant contribution to native plant introductions and is a perfect symbol for our first gala celebration—which will, by the way, take place under a June full moon! The logo design, top of this page, is by Sandra Brooks-Mathers, Cricket Taylor and Lynn Goodpasture.

Garden Mythbusters from Dave's Garden

Two horticultural professionals took some of the most popular garden myths into the university laboratory to prove or disprove the accuracy of these myths. Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott from Washington State University and Dr. Jeff Gillam from the University of Minnesota tested these myths under controlled conditions to determine if they really work.

The Myth
Will placing citrus peel or citrus tea (orange or lime) on an anthill repel or kill the ants or other insects?
Citrus peels are thought to contain a substance that is fatal to insects (d-Limonene).

The Fact

A mixture made from citrus peel was placed on several ant hills. The result was less than overwhelming. The mixture had little or no effect on the ants. A  spray made from citrus peel was applied to a plant that was infested with mites. It did have some effect on the mites but it also damaged the plant. Use caution when applying any citrus material to plants, the citric acid could damage the plant.

The Myth
When planting a new tree or shrub replace the soil in the planting hole with organic material such as compost. Everyone knows that plants love "organic stuff" and will grow rapidly.

The Fact

The roots on newly planted trees or shrubs will indeed grow rapidly in the organic material. The problem is when the new roots reach the edge of the planting hole and the native soil. They will actually turn and circle back into the organic material.
The result in that the organic material will actually hinder further root growth long term.  Moisture is another issue, it will actually wick away from the organic material back into the native soil and thus deprive the roots of the moisture newly planted trees and shrubs need. Use the native soil removed when digging the planting hole to backfill after planting. Your trees and shrubs will do much better.


Weather-ology: Bridge to the Heavens

by Jaime McLeod | Monday, April 30th, 2012 | From: Weather at Farmer's Almanac
Long before modern science began to understand the processes that create our weather, people made up their own explanations. Many of these accounts were fantastic in nature, with evil or benevolent gods, monsters, and spirits controlling the elements. In this series, we’ll explore some of these ancient myths and share the science behind them. Weather + mythology = weather-ology! I will include more in the future if you are interested.

No natural phenomenon captures the imagination quite like rainbows. With their bright colors and ethereal quality, they seem like pure magic, completely removed from the laws of nature. It’s no wonder, then, that rainbows have been the subject of countless myths and legends since the dawn of human civilization.
Chief among rainbow legends is the idea, popular in a wide variety of cultures, that rainbows are actually bridges that link the natural world with the spirit world, or the world of the gods.
One such myth is the Bilröst, a burning rainbow bridge said in Norse legend to span between Midgard, the world of men, and Asgard, the fabled realm of the gods. Its name literally means “shimmering path.”
According to legend, only gods and those killed in battle could cross Bilröst. An ancient prophecy foretold that one day Bilröst would shatter under the weight of Ragnarök, the great war that would bring about the end of the world.
Supernatural as they may seem, though, rainbows are actually created by a perfectly natural process. They form because white light is comprised of all colors of the spectrum. When light passes through water, or glass, it is refracted into its component colors. Rainbows can appear any time there are water droplets in the air and the sunlight shines from behind them at a low angle. That means they are more likely to appear in the early morning or later afternoon. Rainbows always appear directly opposite from the sun.
Even if a rainbow would hold your weight, you would never be able to walk on one anywhere, because rainbows have no set physical location. A person who appears to be standing at the end of a rainbow from another person’s perspective won’t see the rainbow in the same place, but will instead see another rainbow in a different location, opposite the sun.
While you can’t actually cross into Asgard on a rainbow, and you won’t find any pots of gold at the end of one, either, rainbows are still pretty magical, all on their own.