The 2010 North Carolina State Fair is October 14 through 24.
This year, as has been the case for the past 43 years, The Gardeners of Wake County ( is working with the state fair to put on the flower and garden show at the fair.
Your garden club members are encouraged to enter flowers and plants in the state fair.
It is easy to do, and there is no entry fee plus there are over $31,000 in cash premiums in addition to ribbons. Prize money has been increased this year.
Entry categories include
* Cut flowers and plants
* Designs (arrangements)
* Dish gardens and terrariums
* Container grown plants
* Hanging baskets
* Cucurbits
It is easy to enter.
* Entries can be entered on line at
Or by mail
(the deadline is October 1 in either case)
* Your entries are due between 8:00 AM and noon on opening day, Thursday October 14.
* In addition, for your convenience exhibits for the categories Dish gardens and terrariums, Container grown plants, Hanging baskets and Cucurbits may be submitted on the afternoon of October 10 or morning of October 13.
* For cut flowers and plants there are THREE shows -- you can participate in any or all of them. This is especially useful for those traveling to the fair after it opens. Entries can be submitted the mornings of
* October 18 and
* October 21 in addition to
* October 14
Ribbons and cash prizes are awarded for each of the three shows.
* It is easy to get into the fair with your entry. You may drive your vehicle with your entries through Gate 6 off Youth Center Road and park near the exhibit hall. Show a copy of your entry form to the gate attendant for entry.
Next steps
* Obtain the fair premium book and study the details of the rules and procedure.
The premium book can be obtained by download at
or in hard copy by writing the fair at
Premium Book
1010 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1010
* Complete the entry form found in the premium book or at
or make an on line submission at
* The state fair will generate entry tags which you will pick up in person at the Flower and Garden Show building when you bring your exhibit.
* The Flower and Garden Show building is located off Youth Center Road that is perpendicular to Hillsborough Street west of Dorton Arena (the tall round building). Enter through gate 6 on Youth Center Road.
* Remember to submit entry forms by October 1 – the state fair rules do not permit submission of the entry form when you arrive with the entry.
* The above is just a summary. Please refer to the premium book for details. The information in the premium book prevails over this summary. We hope you will decide to enter the Flower Show and make this one the best show ever.
Very truly yours,
The Gardeners of Wake County, Inc.
Charles Gilliam
Vice President and Chairman of the Garden Show for 2010